Archive for the Organization Category

Writing Pad (ShapeWriter Inc.)

Posted in Free Apps, Organization, Utilities with tags , , , , , on August 17, 2008 by andrewjoslyn

Cost as reviewed: FREE

I came across this application somewhat randomly. The description said something about typing with gestures instead of with the keyboard and I thought that sounded pretty cool. For those of you who have used the iPhone keyboard, you know it isn’t the easiest for typing quickly.

The main use of this app is to jot down notes. When you create a new note, it gives you a keyboard at the bottom of the screen. You can tap out words like normal, or you can use gestures. To use gestures, you drag your finger across all the letters of your word (in the appropriate order). You don’t have to worry about double letters because it guesses for you. It’s a little strange to drag across letters that aren’t in your word, but you get used to it.

Once you perform your gesture, it guesses which word you were trying to type based on popularity of words. It also gives you a list of other possible words to choose from. The algorithm seems to work well except when you are trying to type a complicated word. You do need to be careful that you don’t go all over your screen with your words. It seems to work best when you connect your letters with a direct line that is basically the shortest line possible between the letters.

Once you’ve recorded the note, your only option, other than saving it, is to email it to someone. Hopefully sometime soon Apple will make it possible to copy and paste from one application to another. That might make this app more useful if you happen to prefer it’s typing technique to the traditional approach.

Personally I find that Apple’s built-in word correction tends to accurately correct most of my typing mistakes so I can type pretty quickly using the standard keyboard approach. For those looking for another approach to taking notes or composing e-mail messages, this app might be a good option.

ShapeWriter Website